Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Committee Work

(Very) Tentative Event Outline 

This is pretty much meant to be a starting point for planning the schedule of the actual event. 
December 1,2012 1:00-5:00 PM

1:00-Doors open:Two students will be stationed at table by the front door to sell tickets, distribute wristbands (if we have them) and programs.
1:15 -Open Slot: Guest can find seats, converse, get drinks look over program
1:30- Opening Remarks (King and Bradley?): Time to welcome everyone in attendance, give background/details on event, various projects, and the work of both classes. Describe what's happening on the 1st floor and 2nd floor.
1:45-Opening Continues 
2:00- Let the Festivities Begin: Invite guests to stay seated for the presentation of student projects on Baybrook, to walk around/ see exhibits, to meet the businesses, (and any other activities we plan) 
2:00-2:05- Student Presentation 
2:05-2:10-Student Presentation 
2:15-2:20- Student Presentation 
2:20-2:25- Student Presentation
2:25-2:30- Student Presentation (This can go on depending on how many students want to present?)   
2:30- Food is Served: While people are grabbing their food the entertainment (whatever we have can begin set up.
2:45- Food and Entertainment  Hopefully the round tables will be in a position that allows guest to eat while viewing our entertainment. (If more set up time is needed I'm sure we could figure that out)
3:00- Food and Entertainment continues
3:15- Entertainment wrap up 
3:30- Premier of Mapping Baybrook the Website: King and Bradley can present the website.
3:45- Premier of Mapping Baybrook continues
4:00: Mapping Baybrook website Q&A? 
4:15: Open Slot: Invite guest to continue to explore the event, and check out our event reflection options.
4:30: Open Slot: Invite guest to continue to explore the event, and check out our event reflection options.
4:45: Event Wrap Up: Thank everyone for their help, involvement, participation etc. Special thanks to the Polish Home Hall for letting us use their space.
5:00: The End (Good work team!) 
5:00-6:00: Clean Up

While all of this is going on the children's activity will be taking place, somewhere between the food tables and the rest of the exhibits.

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