Tuesday, March 31, 2015


Last week I conducted an oral history interview with Jazmin S. In our pre interview I learned a lot about the way that spaces have changed in the neighborhood from the perspective of someone that lives and works in the changing area. In regard to the changing businesses and public spaces it seems that at one point in time there was a lack of communication among the business owners themselves about how they could support each other and create multiple spaces that the community could use. 
In the early days of this class one of the questions that I had and something that I still want to know is where the children and teens fit into the redevelopment plans. Somewhere between our conversation, interview, and talk in class Jazmin made an interesting point. Almost all of the spaces in SNAE are catered to older or young adults. There are a lot of spaces that sell alcohol and many spaces with age limits, but not a lot of spaces for children and families to come together. I realized that this aspect really bothers me. Jazmin mentioned some of the spaces where she knows children hang out, but the idea that there are so few of them bothers me. In the 10 years that SNAE has been working in that area has there ever been a discussion about a community center, or more a space where whole families can come together?  Are there any community centers in Station North or Greenmount West. A community center in an arts and entertainment district that possibly focused on art and entertainment activities seems like a great idea. A community centers that work to engage the community would probably be very beneficial for almost any community. I'm sure I'll have about 100 more questions once I finish transcribing Jazmin's interview. I hope to have that done by Friday or Sarurday. 

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