Monday, September 17, 2012

Mapping Baybrook: Uncovering the Links between the Past and the Present

Feasibility Study

Title: Mapping Baybrook: Uncovering the Links between the Past and the Present

Logo: A raised map of the Baybrook area with accentuated green spaces.The logo would have the words “Mapping Baybroook” above the map with the subtitle “Uncovering the Links between the Past and the Present” below it. The map would be centered between the two headings with a slight tilt.

Mission Statement: Chronicling the various accounts of a community’s shared history, in order to foster understanding, growth, and continuity while bridging the gaps between generations.

Committee Structure: There are so few of us, I think 3 basic committees would be a good idea. Programming Committee: We need a committee to that can oversee/direct the schedule of events on December 1st to ensure that everything runs smoothly.
Fundraising Committee: Will work with the person who is handling the budget to devise ways to raise money as well as reaching out to possible sponsors.
Public Relations Committee: This committee would work on letting the community know about what we have been doing.
I imagine that once committees are formed and tasks are divided subcommittees would emerge.

Revenue Producing Products: The student prices of 1.25 inch buttons at Commonvision are below:
100 Buttons: $40B/W, $45Color -If we ask for $1.00 Donations in exchange for complementary buttons (w/logo) we’d make $100 that’s a little over half back minimum.
200 Buttons: $70B/W, $80Color -With donations of $1 equals $200 dollars minimum back.
Fundraising events: 
Establishment sponsored dinner nights- Food establishments in the surrounding areas are usually willing to host nights and they donate a percentage to our cause. 

Research Proposal  

For my project I want to research the history and growth of community gardening/green spaces in this post in this industrial city. My two starting places of interest are Farring-Baybrook Park and the Community garden in Curtis Bay/Brooklyn. The landscape of  Baltimore City has gone through many changes within short periods of time, and many of its green spaces have been lost to industrial growth. Exploring how u
rban gardening is being used to restore green space and enrich communities have been growing interests of mine, especially in this area that grapples with so many environmental issues. I want to document the history of Baltimore green space to highlight practices or ideas that may or may not work for the future development and sustainability. Putting together a mini booklet on the history of the garden/ways to get involved is also something that I'd like to explore. 
"Value of Baltimore's Trees." Department of Recreation and Parks. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Sept. 2012. <>.

"Masonville Cove." Environmental Education Center: An Urban Wilderness Conservation Area. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Sept. 2012. <>.

"Farring Baybrook Park Master Plan Baltimore City." Baltimore City Department of Recreation and Parks, n.d. Web. 16 Sept. 2012. <>.

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